When periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, progresses past the point of non-invasive solutions like a deep cleaning, scaling and root planing, periodontal surgery may be the required intervention.

Dr. Fred Alger takes the conservative approach to avoid surgery if possible, yet he also has the expertise to perform various types of surgical procedures to rectify dental health concerns if its the best option. One treatment he may turn to is called flap surgery.

Periodontal Flap Surgery

In patients affected by gum disease, bacteria, plaque and tartar often hide beneath the gum lines and threaten to cause infection and bone destruction.

Without the intervention of regular deep cleaning appointments from a dental hygienist, an at-home oral hygiene routine does not allow you to reach beneath the gum lines or attack the hardness of tartar to remove these harmful buildups.

Instead, the buildup can lead to periodontal disease that continues to progress until non-surgical options cannot solve the problem. In such cases, periodontal surgery, like a flap surgery, may be the solution to stop the progression of disease, restore oral health, and save your teeth and jaw bone.

What Is Flap Surgery?

Flap surgery is a procedure that greatly improves the health of a patient’s gums by allowing Dr. Alger to remove bacteria, plaque and calculus tartar found beneath the gum line. In this procedure, the gums are gently reflected away from affected teeth so that Dr. Alger can fully see the roots and appropriately clean the infected area.

What Is the Surgery Like?

Before the day of the procedure, Dr. Alger will meet with you to discuss any questions you may have. On the day of the flap surgery procedure, you can expect the following:

  • Your gums will be treated with a numbing solution and a local anesthetic will be delivered to keep you comfortable.
  • Dr. Alger will gently work to reflect the gums, ensuring that you are comfortable as he progresses.
  • With great precision, Dr. Alger will clean the tartar deposits that have built up under the gum line.
  • Once the gums have been cleaned, small sutures will be used to reposition gums to the teeth.
  • During your recovery, you may experience slight discomfort. Overall, our patients are surprised by how well they feel during recovery.
  • The recovery period is typically brief. Most patients have sutures (stitches) removed at one week with no complications.

Start With a Consultation

Your dentist may recommend flap surgery or you may interested in the options Dr. Alger can offer to treat your gum disease. Dr. Fred Alger and his team can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your periodontal health during a consultation.

Our office uses precision technology to help us thoroughly understand your dental needs, including the type of gum disease and the extent of damage, which may range from inflamed gums to tooth loss or loss of bone. Dr. Alger will assess if flap surgery is the right solution through a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis. Contact our team to make your appointment.