Full or Part-time Dental Hygienist
We are now in a position to add to our already great staff. Our hard-working and caring team is dedicated to taking good care of our patients, but we laugh a lot in the process. Full or part-time positions are available for Mon-Thurs, 8:30-5. Start your weekends early, since the office is closed on Fridays. No weekend and no evening hours.
- As a specialty practice, the cases that we see have moderate to advanced periodontal disease. This makes our hygienist’s job more challenging and interesting. Our patients love our hygienists, who play a critical role in helping them save their teeth. This is a very rewarding feeling. A supportive doctor and surrounding team have your back. We would love to hire a hygienist who either has experience in a periodontal practice or who is willing to learn new and interesting things.
- We can use a hygienist to provide care in a more traditional role or a more unique role.
- With the traditional role, you would see patients during maintenance recall appointments, typically alternating with their general dentist. You would also provide root planing to those needing it, and then re-evaluate the patient 6 weeks later. At that time, we will determine if additional periodontal therapy, such as surgery is required.
- With the advanced role, you would provide care as outlined above, but you would also have the opportunity to provide endoscope-assisted scaling and root planing (Perioscopy). Perioscopy is an incredible advancement in non-surgical treatment. Instead of holding a mirror in your non-dominant hand, you would hold an explorer that has a one-millimeter diameter endoscopic fiber-optic on it. The explorer is gently slid into the sulcus like you would do with a periodontal probe. A magnified image then appears on a computer monitor. This makes the clinician’s job easier and more effective because you can see subgingivally during root planing, even in deep pockets. This technology allows you to obtain otherwise unheard-of results. The ability to provide Perioscopy to our patients is available to you if you are interested. We are glad to provide the right person with the needed training and certification. Some people love this opportunity, while others would prefer to practice with a more traditional role.
- We offer a commission to our hygienists who provide Perioscopy. Our accountants work predominantly with dentists. They recently did a wage survey and told us that because of the quarterly commission offered, our hygienist position provided the highest wage of all the 800 plus hygienists in their survey. That is because our hygienists provide some higher fee-producing services, including Perioscopy. This leads to a handsome commission, to supplement an already competitive hourly wage and benefits. If time allows, there may be an opportunity to assist periodically during periodontal and implant surgery.
- The hygienists that we have had over the years fortunately have been elite in their credentials and patient care. We truly think that if you want to be at the top of your game – this is the practice to join. We hope that you will respond to our Indeed ad or e-mail us to learn more about this unique position. You can e-mail us at Indeed or at info@drfredalger.com. If you prefer, you can call our office at 614-389-9556. We hope to hear from you.
Job Types:
- Full-time
- Part-time
Apply today by sending your resume and cover letter to info@drfredalger.com. We can’t wait to learn more about you!